Analytic therapy aims to improve well-being by identifying underlying thoughts, beliefs and feelings that cause us to act and react in certain ways. Once we are able to recognise these patterns in our own life, understand and integrate them as part of ourselves, we become freer to try out new ways of thinking, feeling and being.
What is analytic therapy?
Analytic Therapy is a psychodynamic therapy, anchored in psychoanalytical theory. It is interested in unconscious processes, which can determine or impact how we experience life, and seeks to make sense of our feelings and behaviours (however incomprehensible these might seem at times), by considering our early life and attachments.
In time, by gaining insight into our own life story, and getting to know the stranger within, we learn to better identify our needs and our motivations, integrate different parts of ourselves into a more accepting ‘self’ and release the vital energy to try new ways of being.
What is a session like?
All sessions are one-to-one, and face-to-face. The direction of a session depends on how the person is feeling, and is determined by the free association of thoughts, sensations and emotions revealed. As the session progresses, feelings and patterns of behaviour that are rooted in past experiences emerge, and are integrated with the present. What is said is then restructured, and with the therapist’s interpretation, or prompt, a connection is made and a deeper awareness, is reached.
A session will last 50 minutes, and together will establish their frequency.